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Top 10: Color Photography

Street View Photography’s Top 10: Color Photography


Have you ever experienced taking a street shot in color and while processing it discovered, how it turns into the proverbial gold, once you press the ”Convert to Greyscale” button..? Or perhaps you’ve shown the color version to some of your photo buddies and they’d say: hmmm, why don’t you try it in black&white…? The photo might have been just average, sure – or it could be an example of how stereotypes are born; stereotypes attempting to convince us, that street & color just aren’t right for each other – as some seem to believe. The selection below proves them wrong. Whether the powerful tool of color is applied to subtly enhance a point to be made or it nearly jumps at you out of the picture, loud and strong – some street photo stories couldn’t exist without it. Let us take you through the top 10 of such stories.
